I made three shelves in total. 2 x 6ft & 1 x 4ft but the lengths dont matter and you can make them as long or as short as you would like.
I used 1×4 boards for the backing and the bottom and used a single 1×3 for the front. Now there is pro’s and con’s to the front being a 1×3 board. The pro is that it gives the appearance of a big floating shelve the negative is that it hides a lot of what you are putting in the shelf and to over come this I cut small blocks to place my picture frames on so that it would lift them up and out of the shelf.
- 1×4 boards (Back & Bottom)
- 1×3 or 1×2 your choice (Front)
- Glue
- Nails/Screws

I decided to glue and nail these in place with a nail gun since they would only be holding picture frames and other small decorative peices.

After nailing everything together I decided to lay it all out on the ground to get an idea of how to position it. As you can see with some left over scrap wood I decided to make some very easy candle holders.


To hang, I simply drilled 3 inch screws into the backs straight into drywall. If things dont line up be safe and use drywall anchors.