There is nothing like grilling on a charcoal grill! You get so much flavor and the perfect cook every time! The weber grill has a cult like following and theres a good reason…it’s simple and lasts forever!
With all that being said there is one flaw to the weber…no where to put your stuff! Sometimes you need to prep, keep seasoning or marinades close or simply pull off what your grilling and it on a plate or tray but you cant! Sure you could build a giant workbench like table to hold your weber or pull out a side table but both those are a second solution to this simple DIY project.
27in W x 41in L
23.3 inner Circle Diameter
- Plywood (1/2inch)
- Steel one hole wall clamp (see picture)
- Stain and sealer for protection
First step:
Measure out your lid on some 1/2inch plywood, inner circle should be around 23.5inches

After you have cut out your circle, do some measure by placing it over the base of your grill, you will want about 1/2 to an 3/4 extra space because of the pipe clamps. I attached 4 pipe clamps, this is what supports the table, the more you put the more support. You will want to install the clamps underneath the table, see the image below.

I added some stain and a couple thin layers of sealant. I was nervous at first about that old wood and fire thing…but I’ve been using this every weekend for a year now with no issues and no burn marks anywhere.

The best part…It’s removable! I take on and off every time I use it, this allows me to cover my weber up for storage.

Weber’s are fantastic grills and seem to last forever! If your interested in purchasing one do it! Weber Grill and if you are an avid camper you can even get a Weber Mini which is awesome!
Don’t the clips prevent the lid from sealing all the way & allow heat & smoke to escape?
Yes they do barely, but I would say it’s like having an extra hole in your venting up top and bottom. Doesn’t affect my cooking at all and its been over a year.
Would you put golfing it detachable legs to make it more stable, like these from ikea, very light and unscrew easily
Great idea, think I’ll do this
What a great idea! How much weight does this hold, you think?
Not much maybe a few pounds, it’s very light.